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Departments - St. Pious X
Department of Zoology

Welcome to Department of Zoology


Department of Zoology was established in the year 1993. Department of Zoology organizes co-curricular activities every academic year in collaboration with A.P forest Department, ITC WOW, ARPF, GMERF, CEE & SAYEN to make learning beyond the classroom and fun oriented activities include seminars, workshops & guest lectures.

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B.Sc –MGC (Microbiology, Genetics, Chemistry)

Underline Styles                                                                                                                                                 

Programs Offered

Departments - St. Pious X


  • To provide a strong foundation in the concepts of animal structure, function and behaviour.
  • To provide practical skills and knowledge of applied aspects of Zoology which can pave the way for self-employment opportunities in Aquaculture, Apiculture, Vermiculture & Sericulture.
  • To provide a strong foundation for a better understanding of current advances in Zoology and its practical significance
  • To inculcate critical thinking and analytical skills to enable students to pursue higher studies and research in Life Sciences or related fields of Zoology.
Research & Projects
    • Ms. Amrita Gautam is working on an ongoing research project entitled “A Study on Diabetes Mellitus: Prevalence, association with Thyroid and other health complications among general population” as a co-investigator along with Dr. Jyoti Lallu as the principal investigator.
    • Mrs.Grace Beena Paul working on ‘Eco-biological studies of plants. insects and phytonematodes in an artificial ecosystem’. Department of Zoology, Osmania University, and NIN.
    • Dr.Grace Beena Paul (Ph.D) is working on “Eco-biological studies of plants ,insects and Phytonematodes in an Artificial Ecosystem” at Osmania University.


    Appreciation for Department:

    • The Department of Zoology and Genetics received a trophy and a Certificate of Appreciation by ITC WOW at Ravindra Bharti on 19 th January 2023 for recycling 3 tons of paper waste.

    Events Organised:

    Guest Lecture

    Department of Zoology organized a guest lecture on 8 th of April 2024 at 2: 00 pm for all UG Life Sciences student in the Conference Hall at St. Pious X Degree & PG College for Women. The topic for the guest lecture was “Application of Life Sciences and its future prospectives”.

Extention Program:

    Departments of Zoology & Genetics organized the Paper recycling activity in collaboration with ITC WOW (MoU). Students and Faculty from all Streams BA B. Com BSc PG BBA MBA actively participated in the activity. Around 3tonns of paper was collected and sent for recycling. Students and faculty received stationary from ITC.

Field Trip:

    The department of Zoology visited CNR Agro field in Bhongir on 15 th of March 2023 for the field trip. The field trip was organized for I, II & III MZC students. Total 26 students were there for the trip. The purpose of the field trip was to provide students with an insight of integrated farming which combines agricultural activities, livestock farming, aquaculture, vermiculture and agroforestry.

World Nature Conservation Day:

    The Department of Zoology and Genetics celebrated World Nature Conservation Day by conducting a recycling activity on 5 th August 2023 in the Zoology Laboratory at St. Pious X Degree and P G College for Women at 10.45 A.M.

Interdisciplinary Activity:

    The Department of Zoology organized Interdisciplinary Activity on 19 th February 2024 for the II B. Com students in Zoology Lab at 1.00-2.30pm. Students actively participated and demonstrated their models and charts. The activities included were:

    1. Spineless enigmas- which included riddles on vertebrates
    2. A working model of excretory system of Human and mitosis.

Faculty as Resource person::

    Ms. Amrita Gautam from Dept of Zoology visited as an External Examiner for Zoology Practical at Andhra Mahila Sabha Arts & Science College for Women on 10 th and 11 th of June 2024.

    Awareness Program:

      The Department of Zoology and Genetics organized an extension activity at Model High School, Sitaphal Mandi, Tarnaka on 24 th November 2023. This program, tailored for students of classes 8, 9, and 10, aimed to raise awareness on crucial topics related to puberty, menstrual cycles, sanitary health, PCOS & PCOD, gender attraction, good touch & bad touch, child marriage, and early pregnancy.

    Outreach programme:

      Department of Zoology and Genetics conducted an outreach programme on 10 th January 2024, wherein we visited Sadhana Institute of intellectually challenged cum old aged home in Nacharam in association with AVODHA (An ISR wing).


      The Department of Zoology conducted various Zooic club activities on 6 th October 2023 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in Zoology lab and at Chrysalis Park for all the students of UG Lifesciences in recognition of Chrysalis Park.

      Zooic Club activity : One day workshop in collaboration with Butterfly Conservation Society (BCS)

      Campus cleanup programme by Zooic Club.

      Awarding Zoology toppers : Awarded toppers with Cash prize as Zooic club activity


    Faculty Achievements

    Students Achievements

Labs and other facilities:

    Department of Zoology is well equipped with the Laboratory facilities for all I,II & III MZC students . An array of Museum specimens is the highlight of the Department.

    1. One well equipped Laboratory with museum specimens on display
    2. Models and working models
    3. Specimens
    4. Glassware
    5. Fridge
    6. pH Meter
    7. Water Bath
    8. Colorimeter
    9. Modern Physics Lab
    10. Microtomy
    11. Dissection trays
    12. Histology Slides
    13. Chrysalis open lab
    14. Binocular Microscopes
    15. Dissection Microscopes
    16. Centrifuge Machine
    17. Biovisual charts
Faculty Members