Snehapuri, Opp. HMT Bus stop,

Nacharam Road,Hyderabad,Telangana,India

Mobile: +91 7680924460

    KRTYA 2022
    Management Day 2021
Department of Business Management


MBA is a 2 year – Professional course affiliated to Osmania University and approved by the A.I.C.T.E. The course offers specialization in Finance, Human Resource Management and Marketing. It was established in the year 2009, As per the guidelines issued by Osmania University , the college has adopted the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & will be following Cumulative Grade Point Average(CGPA) as per the norms from the academic year 2016-2017. with in a short span of time, it has carved a niche as one of the best colleges for its Academic standard.


  • To create and sustain an environment of excellence in education
  • To enable our students of management to become globally competitive
  • To use the modern methods of teaching learning and research to instill professional competence
  • To empower the students with managerial skills that will enable them to cope up with real-world requirements through meaningful interaction with corporate organizations, mentoring, project work, industrial tours and other input
  • To instil a sense of social responsibility and promote environmental conciousness among the students